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Monday, April 2, 2018

Gimmick Interviews: Shut Up and Dance, Monkey!

            Today while on the treadmill at my local gym, I noticed upon the TVs before me a series of day time talk shows. My fat ass sweating away and not wanting to be there, I kept glancing up repeatedly to see The Ellen Show. I’d never had a chance to watch these kinds of shows since college and without any context of sound I watched Seth Rogan come out to promote things. Turning away to adjust my iPod or get a drink of water, the scene eventually turned into a game with Seth and his wife answering questions or getting a pie to the face. This was heartbreaking. While I don’t care for king stoner and his in ability to play any character other than the one he does in every movie ( I assume that’s him in real life) I read that he was doing some charity comedy special for Netflix. He must have been on to promote his event and get the word out only to be roped into this game. I know celebrities do the talk show circa as part of the job, but when did making a ass out of yourself become the norm?
            Imagine making some sort of engaging film, something you could be proud of and that had a good chance of winning awards only to get the call that you’ve been booked on Jimmy Fallon. If you want that spot, you’ve gotta do some new game the writers have come up with where you and Blake Shelton chug beers through your assholes. Fallon laughs the whole time, The Roots die a little and everyone’s aunt shares the video on You Tube. Kind of depressing to think the days of simple “let me talk about this thing I did” are coming to an end so that Ellen can have a clip for her show. Bill Gates was on Ellen a while back to promote his charitable foundation and wouldn’t you know it he was featured on a game as well; richest man in the world being asked to dance on stage for the audience.
Some people like these things but I’ll continue to cringe as people get roped into skits and games for the chance to plug something. Maybe it’s just part of the game but cringe is alive and well on you tube with no signs of stopping.

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